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IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae

Editor(s): Ringius, H.H.
Title: Herbarium normale plantarum rariorum et criticarum Sveciae.
Abbreviation: Ringius, Herb. Norm. Suec.
Place of publication: Lund
First number: [1] First issue: 1835
Last number: [160] Last issue: 1836
  superseded by
Information source(s): Stafleu & Cowan (1983)
Notes: Issued in 2 fascicles with printed labels. Numbered separately from 1 to 80 only in the printed conspectus for each fascicle but not on labels. Fascicle I has the subtitle "Plantae Scanicae", fascicle II with the subtitle "Plantarum Scaniae et adjacentium provinciarum"
Group(s) of Organisms: spermatophytes
ExsiccataID: 1631278207
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