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IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae

Editor(s): Rabenhorst, G.L.
Title: Fungi Europaei exsiccati, Klotzschii herbarii vivi mycologici continuatio. Editio nov. Series secunda
Abbreviation: Rabenhorst, Fungi Eur. Exs.
Place of publication: Dresden
First number: 1 First issue: 1859
Last number: 2600 Last issue: 1881
  superseded by
Information source(s): Pfister (1985)
Stafleu & Cowan (1983)
Notes: For more detailed information see Kohlmeyer 1962; for an annotated list of taxonomic novelties see Braun & Bensch (2019b):; Braun & Bensch (2021a):; Braun & Bensch (2021b): For example record see
Group(s) of Organisms: fungi/lichens
ExsiccataID: 632034778
New search
M 340: Hendersonia conorum
No. 340: Hendersonia conorum (example from M)

G 306: Agaricus typhae
No. 306: Agaricus typhae (example from G)

NY 1740: Erysiphe lamprocarpa f. Stachydis germanicae
No. 1740: Erysiphe lamprocarpa f. Stachydis germanicae (example from NY)

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