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IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae

Editor(s): Mudd, W.
Title: A monograph of British Cladoniae, illustrated with dried specimens of eighty species and varieties
Abbreviation: Mudd, Monogr. Brit. Clad.
Place of publication: Cambridge
First number: 1 First issue: 1865
Last number: 80 Last issue: 1865
Information source(s): Sayre (1969)
Stafleu & Cowan (1981)
Notes: Specimens are mounted at the end of the book. Example from NMW (Cardiff) in original bound volume.
Group(s) of Organisms: fungi/lichens
ExsiccataID: 481268405
New search
NMW 22: Cladonia pyxidata e. cornuta j. radiata
No. 22: Cladonia pyxidata e. cornuta j. radiata (example from NMW)

M 78: Cladonia coccifera e. macilenta k. phyllophora
No. 78: Cladonia coccifera e. macilenta k. phyllophora (example from M)

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