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IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae

Editor(s): Ehrhart, J.F.
Title: Plantae cryptogamae Linn., quas in locis earum natalibus collegit et exsiccavit Fridericus Ehrhart
Abbreviation: Ehrhart, Pl. Crypt. Linn.
Place of publication: Hannoverae [Hanover]
First number: 1 First issue: 1785
Last number: 320 Last issue: 1795
Information source(s): Pfister (1985)
Sayre (1969)
Stafleu & Cowan (1976)
Notes: The printed title pages of decas prima and secunda of this series show "Linn." instead of "Linnaeae" or "Linneae" as cited by Pfister (1985) and Sayre (1969), respectively. According Arnold (1880, Flora 63: 543) the Munich herbarium M has got the first 24 decades of this series (Herb. Schreber). For example records see and
Group(s) of Organisms: fungi/lichens, algae/cyanobacteria, bryophytes, pteridophytes
ExsiccataID: 282243788
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