Editor(s): |
Pitard, C.-J.M.
Title: |
Plantae Canarienses exsiccatae
Abbreviation: |
Pitard, Pl. Canar. Exs.
First number: |
First issue: |
Last number: |
Last issue: |
Information source(s): |
Sayre (1975)
Stafleu & Cowan (1983)
Notes: |
A list of the specimens issued is published in Pitard & Proust (1908). The main series is numbered and contains higher plants (1-745) and bryophytes (746-851). There are also unnumbered bryophytes (see example from M). |
Group(s) of Organisms: |
bryophytes, spermatophytes
ExsiccataID: |
1999159551 |
New search |
No. : Fissidens serrulatus (example from M)
No. 610: Campanopsis lobelioides (example from M)