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IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae

Editor(s): Westendorp, G.D.; Wallays, A.C.F.
Title: Herbier cryptogamique ou collection des plantes cryptogames et agames qui croissent en Belgique
Abbreviation: Westendorp & Wallays, Herb. Crypt. Belg.
Place of publication: Courtrai
First number: 351 First issue: 1849
Last number: 1400 Last issue: 1859
  preceded by
Information source(s): Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria:
Macroalgal Herbarium Portal:
Pfister (1985)
Sayre (1969)
Notes: On the title page of fascicle 21/22 (no. 1001-1100) at Kew (K) the title ommits "et agames" and the editing location is Gand. The following fascicles are published at Coutrai.
Group(s) of Organisms: fungi/lichens, algae/cyanobacteria, bryophytes, pteridophytes, bacteria/viruses
ExsiccataID: 114823997
New search
M 1057: Erysiphe myrtillina
No. 1057: Erysiphe myrtillina (example from M)

M 414: Fusarium peltigerae
No. 414: Fusarium peltigerae (example from M)

PH 698: Porphyra vulgaris
No. 698: Porphyra vulgaris (example from PH)

PH 628: Lepra lactea
No. 628: Lepra lactea (example from PH)

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