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IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae

Editor(s): Rechinger, K.H.; Polunin, N.V.
Title: Exsiccatae ex Herb. Univ. Baghdadensis. Cent. Prim. Fide K. H. Rechinger, Edit. N. Polunin
Abbreviation: Rechinger & Polunin, Exs. Herb. Baghdad.
Editing Institution: University Herbarium, Faculty of Science, Adhamiya-Baghdad
Place of publication: Baghdad [Baghdad]
First number: 1 First issue: 1958
Last number: 100 Last issue: 1958
  superseded by
Notes: for example see
Group(s) of Organisms: spermatophytes, pteridophytes
ExsiccataID: 1048882944
New search
M 2: Adiantum capillus-veneris
No. 2: Adiantum capillus-veneris (example from M)

L 12: Carex pseudofoetida
No. 12: Carex pseudofoetida (example from L)

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