"IndExs" and – if not stated otherwise – its supporting files have been copyrighted © 2001–2024 by the SNSB – Botanische Staatssammlung München. Support is provided by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (BMBF) and the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst. Permission is given for free use of data in the search result for non-commercial purposes; any commercial use must be granted by prior written agreement.
The data project "IndExs" was established by D. Triebel and P. Scholz with data entry assistance by I. Sebek and later C. Uribe.
It uses current versions of the Diversity Workbench component DiversityExsiccatae and DiversityAgents, first designed and set up by G. Hagedorn and
M. Weiß within the framework of the GLOPP project and the Mycology.Net project.
A ColdFusion webinterface was programmed by W. Spiesberger and M. Weiß, a JSP webinterface and a SOAP
web service by A. R. Lakehsar. The web service was later optimized by D. Neubacher and S. Seifert.
Currently, "IndExs" is scientifically curated and expanded by staff members of the
SNSB – Botanische Staatssammlung München (M).
The technical support is done by staff of the SNSB IT Center.
For historical aspects concerning exsiccatae based on "IndExs" see
Triebel et al. (2004). For conceptual aspects and realization of the integration of the IndExs data resource in the global knowledge graphs for scientific data analyses, see
Triebel et al. (2022), Seifert & Triebel (2024), as well as the article "IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae" in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Suggested Citation
Triebel, D. & Scholz, P. 2001–2024 [first posted on 2001-02-01; accessed on ...]. "IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae". – Botanische Staatssammlung München: http://indexs.botanischestaatssammlung.de. – München, Germany.
Usage of "IndExs"
"IndExs" comprises information on titles, abbreviations and bibliography of exsiccatae and exsiccata-like specimen series. Exsiccatae are defined here as "published, uniform, numbered sets of preserved specimens distributed with printed labels" (Pfister 1985, article "Exsiccata" in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia). Please note that there are two similar latin terms: "exsiccata, ae" is feminine and used for a set of dried specimens as defined above, whereas the term "exsiccatum, i" is neutral and used for dried specimens in general.
You may search "IndExs" using title, part of the title, editor and group of organisms alone or combined. You do not need to add wild cards. Please do use diacritical marks if known, e.g., 'Société' and not 'Societe'. For technical reasons some diacritics from Romainian and some Slavic languages had to be avoided in the field of "editor(s)" to allow search functions in the database. The correct spelling of these names is always given in the field "abbreviation".
The single search result gives you all bibliographically important information on the series: the editor(s), title in its bibliographical correct form, standardized abbreviation of the series as to cite in specimen lists of scientific papers, the place of publication and the group(s) of organisms distributed. Additionally, the first and last number of the series as well as the corresponding year of the first and last issue are mentioned. Where preceding and / or superseding series do exist this information is linked. The database also provides access to information about the presence of the series in the herbarium M. As exsiccatae in M are not kept as bibliographically distinct units, but included in the general collections, this indication does not tell anything about the completeness of the set in M.
If available, for each series one or more examplary label is added as image to give layout information. The images are from material located in the herbaria M (the majority), ASU, B, BKF, BM, BONN, BOUM, BPI, BR, BRIT, BRIX, BUCM, CHE, CINC, COI, COLO, CUP, DR, DUKE, E, F, FH, FR, G, GH, GOET, GZU, H, HAL, Herb. L. Beenken, Herb. P. Scholz, H-NYL, IB, IBF, ILL, IND, JE, JBRJ, K, KR, L, LD, LE, LI, LSU, MA, MICH, MIN, MO, MPU, MSB, MSC, MU, NCSU, NCU, NCY, NEB, NMW, NO, NY, O, P, PAD, PC, PH, PRC, REG, S, STU, TENN, TRH, TROM, TU, TUB, UC, UNCC, UPS, USCH, USF, UVMVT, VT, W, WAG, WILLI, WIS, WU, WVA, YU, Z and ZT. The cited herbarium codes are those used by Index Herbariorum.
If you have label images of material from exsiccatae and exsiccata-like series and would agree to let them become publicly available, we would be most grateful if you could send an email to the editorial staff in M. We are especially interested in label images of specimens from exsiccatal series which hitherto could not be traced in any of the herbaria cited above and therefore are not yet represented in our image collection.
The data are available for download and might be used under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0.
Technical remarks
The current database (software applications: DiversityExsiccatae and DiversityAgents) contains more than 2,200 records. All entries have been checked for accuracy using a number of information sources. At first, label information of exsiccata specimens present in M and the bibliographic accounts of Dorr & Nicolson (2008, 2009), Pfister (1985), Sayre (1969, 1971, 1975), Stafleu & Cowan (1976–1988), and Stafleu & Mennega (1992–2000) were checked. Beside of this, the journal Herbarium 1 and 2 and the following publications were consulted: Hertel (1982), Hertel & Schreiber (1988), Kohlmeyer (1962), Lynge (1915–1916, 1918–1922, 1939), Pfister (1986), and Stevenson (1971). Since few years freely available online resources like GBIF Occurrence Data, Bionomia, Wikidata and Symbiota Portals were consulted. For detailed references of additional literature cited in the "Notes" see DALI. The inventory lists in the archives of M as well as of B, H, HAL, JE and UPS provided further information. Nevertheless, typing and other errors may occur. In such cases we kindly ask the user to contact the editorial staff at the SNSB – Botanische Staatssammlung München.
© SNSB – Botanische Staatssammlung München 2001–2024.
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